9. Februar 2013


Die Damen Nationalmannschaft traf sich am letzten Januar-Wochenende zu einem weiteren Camp in Frankfurt. Es war so kalt, dass der erste Trainingstag in der Beachvollyball-Halle in Wallau bei Frankfurt stattfand. Teambuilding stand in Vordergrund und so began das Camp mit einem Beachvolleyballspiel, bei dem auch die Coaches mitspielten. Danach konzentrierte sich die Mannschaft auf die Verteitigungs/Defensive Concepts. Viele Verteidigungssituationen wurden Schritt für Schritt durchgespielt und mehrfach wiederholt um die Strategie zu festigen und die Laufwege zu üben. Anschließend draf sich die Mannschaft zum gemeinsamen Abendessen im SC 1880 Clubhaus. Das Essen war super lecker. Während sich alle das Essen schmecken ließen wurde das kleine Finale der Europameisterschaften gegen Schottland geschaut, sowie Highlights aus dem Halbfinale gegen England. Am Sonntag wurden im Schnee erneute Fitness-Tests gemacht. Danach wurden die Angriff/Offensive Concepts nochmals durchgespielt, damit sich das Team noch mehr aufeinander einspielen konnte. Das Coaching Staff war sehr zufrieden mit der positiven Weiterentwickelt der Mannschaft und das Team verließ das Camp mit großer Motivation. Weiter geht es für die Nationalmannschaft im März mit dem letzten Camp, bevor der WM-Kader berufen wird.


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Women’s National Team – First camp of 2013
The German National team met for a voluntary camp in Frankfurt during the last weekend of January 2013. Due to unpredictable winter weather conditions, the agenda remained flexible; and despite the snow-covered, frozen fields, the coaches put together a successful and effective program from team-bonding to fitness tests. The squad gathered on the first day, which had been correctly forecasted to be freezing temperatures. After a meeting with the coaches to talk about the remaining program and expectations, the group headed to an indoor sport-facility center in Wallau near Frankfurt-- complete with beach volleyball courts. Team-building was the theme of the camp, and the girls showed off their athleticism in the sand for some ‘thrilling’ games of beach volleyball. After a rather eventful experience, complete with a coaches’ team joining in the fun competitive spirit, the group switched gears back to lacrosse and business as usual when they moved to the facility’s indoor soccer courts. Coaches Anna and Andreas led a chalk-talk, teaching new defensive concepts before the girls picked up their sticks and turned the talk into action. In the evening, the team met at the SC Frankfurt 1880 Clubhouse to analyze video from the most recent European Championships, and to enjoy a team dinner. On Sunday, the girls tested their physical and mental strength by completing their usual fitness tests, but this time running on the snow-covered ice atop the turf, and completing jumps and push-ups in a solitary facility room next to the field. The day continued, as the team performed footwork and stickwork through the snow, before covering offensive concepts and team plays. All in all, the coaching staff was very pleased with the high turnout during the voluntary camp and with the progress that was made. Despite setbacks with the weather, there was much positive spirit amongst the group from start to finish. Players attended from all ends of Germany and even traveled across seas to make it back to Frankfurt, showing their dedication to the team, and bringing German lacrosse to new levels. The next tryout camp will be in the beginning of March, at which point the World Cup team will be announced.


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