4. September 2021

International Townhall Meeting

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See english version below

Liebe Community,

erlebt Lacrosse auf höchstem Niveau, lernt voneinander, wachst als Individuum und im Sport und vernetzt euch international - mit Lacrossern aus aller Welt!

Die Germany Lacrosse Convention zielt darauf ab, all diese Aspekte an einem einzigen Wochenende abzudecken: vom 20. - 22.05.2022 in Dresden.

Am 26.09.2021 findet um 19:00 Uhr ein internationales Townhall Meeting in englischer Sprache auf Zoom und im Stream auf Youtube statt, hier geht's zur Anmeldung: Zoom-Anmeldung.

Hier geht's zur neuen Website zur GerLaxCon!


Dear Lacrosse Community,

Experience lacrosse on its highest level, learn from each other, grow as individuals and as a sport and connect as a global team. The Germany Lacrosse Convention aims to foster all these aspects into a single weekend. We welcome everyone to join and participate in this novel event format in European Lacrosse which will take place May 20-22 2022 in Dresden. 

We will be hosting a virtual Town Hall meeting via Zoom to give you a better impression and idea of how such an event will look like and what aspects could be interesting for you and your membership. It will take place September 26th 19:00 CEST and we invite you and any representative or member of your NGB to participate.You can either sign up as a delegate via Zoom or follow the parallel live stream on Youtube.  The meeting will be in English and feature members of the organisation team as well as guest speakers. And of course this will be the perfect time to ask questions and raise ideas to further improve the Lacrosse Convention hosted in Germany but meant for all of European and world-wide Lacrosse. 

We look forward to seeing you via Zoom in September and live in Dresden in 2022.

Sticks up,

Simon Krause, president DLaxV

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